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About Me

Meet Dr. Maureen Rozenn, LAC, DAOM, FABORM, Dipl. OM, Clinic Director

Hi, I am Dr. Maureen Rozenn, an Integrative Medicine practitioner with over 20 years of experience. My mission is to create personalized treatment programs. These programs may blend conventional and cutting-edge laboratory testing, acupuncture and other East-Asian medical techniques and Functional medicine treatment programs. This holistic approach harmonizes seemingly conflicting viewpoints to meet your unique needs. My journey began with Western herbalism at the age of 15 and my martial arts practice at age 23, leading me to pursue my acupuncture and Chinese medicine education in the mid 1990s. I hold a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, which is the only doctorate in this field that is akin to a Ph.D. My doctorate has specializations in women’s health, fertility, and pain management. I offer high-level treatment, personalized care, fertility programs, and holistic pain relief. Let’s embark on your healing journey together!

Book an appointment

Ready to take the next step towards improved health and wellness? Schedule your appointment with Dr. Maureen Rozenn today and embark on a personalized journey to a healthier, happier you. We look forward to working with you! 

Commitment to Knowledge Sharing

My commitment to spreading knowledge has been a thread throughout my career. I have been teaching at the introductory Chinese medicine level for 20 years and at the most advanced level (DAOM) for almost 15 years. I have taught at different schools and have been a sought-after lecturer in topics such as cannabis and fertility, integrative fertility treatment, PCOS, diminished ovarian reserve and more. In addition, I just began educating licensed acupuncturists through the online platform.