a view of a mountain range from an airplane

Simple tips on how to make the best choices this holiday season.    Holiday social...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

FREE INFERTILITY TREATMENT MONDAY NOVEMBER 2nd! Since the publication of the first research trials demonstrating...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

Prescriptions for testosterone creams, injections and patches have risen dramatically over the last decade. Why?...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

Chances are, your life or the life of someone you know, has been affected by...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

“Prior to being under Dr. Rozenn’s care, I had only been to community acupuncture. I...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

One of the advantages of our new office at Plaza de la Cruz is the...

In the ever evolving world of evidenced-based medicine, you want a doctor who keeps up...

Do you have abdominal pain, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea and fatigue? You are...

New Years Resolutions can be tricky. For some of us, it involves setting idealistic goals...

“Natural” progesterone supplementation is the cornerstone of many holistic physician’s treatment plan for Women’s Health...

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Thermography Screening Next Week!

June is WORLD Infertility Awareness Month


Explore Dr. Rozenn's unique blend of ancient techniques and modern expertise to embark on your journey to improved health and well-being,

“Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Healing.”