Get Metabolic Syndrome Treatment in Santa Cruz, CA. What Metabolic Syndrome? How is it different...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

I just got back from teaching Chinese Medicine and IVF–East-West Synergy in Yo San University’s...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

This year marks Dr. Rozenn’s ten year anniversary at her current location in downtown Santa...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

The last day to start the detoxification program is 10-15-2014! Don’t let this year pass...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

The following is a particularly eloquent email one of my patients sent me before she...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

On the left side of this page, under Resources, you will find several links to...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

The Heart in Oriental medicine encompasses not only the heart organ itself, but various emotional...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

I have just returned from the Reproductive Medical Center and Fertility Center (RMFC) in Colorado...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

Having just returned from the International Women’s Health Seminar in Costa Rica, I feel compelled...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

I am frequently asked by patients if I treat cancer. Often, they are looking for...

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Thermography Screening Next Week!

June is WORLD Infertility Awareness Month


Explore Dr. Rozenn's unique blend of ancient techniques and modern expertise to embark on your journey to improved health and well-being,

“Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Healing.”