Yin Yang

TEAS-A New Therapy For Fertility

Yin Yang

TEAS (transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation) is one way to stimulate acupuncture points. Every organ system has a channel that flows from it out to the surface of the body. This is analogous to nerves carrying nerve impulses or blood vessels carrying blood. Channels carry energy. Acupuncture points are located on channels (aka meridians). Acupuncture points can be stimulated by needles, heat, magnets or a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit. Simply put, the procedure of TEAS is using a TENS unit on specific acupuncture points. 

TEAS & Female Fertility

There are so many ways TEAS can increase female fertility. It can regulate the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis enabling the ovaries to get the right signals from the brain to promote egg development. TEAS also calms the nervous system, increasing blood circulation to the reproductive organs. Lastly, it facilitates the release of endorphins. We need the highest level of endorphins we can get when dealing with fertility challenges! Given TEA’S mechanisms of action, it is not surprising that it can be used to supplement acupuncture therapy to improve ovulation, endometrial thickness, and receptivity.


There have been several studies looking at TEAS and IVF. In a meta-analysis recently published on TEAS and IVF, TEAS was shown to INCREASE LIVE BIRTH RATES AND IMPROVE EMBRYO QUALITY. Another paper suggested that women over 35 in particular may gain the most benefits with enhanced endometrial lining, increased progesterone levels and higher pregnancy rates.

TEAS & Male Fertility

Not only does TEAS help women conceive, but it can also help men produce higher quality sperm. Put simply, a couple’s chances of conceiving AND having a healthy baby increase dramatically when the male partner has optimal semen. Research has shown that when a man is over the age of 35, his partner’s chances of miscarriage double. YES, THAT’S RIGHT, DOUBLE! So, anything we can do to optimize semen parameters (not just slightly above average but OPTIMIZE) is helpful. Research has shown that TEAS can increase sperm count, motility, vitality and reduce oxidate stress.

TEAS & My Practice

There are several well-studied acupuncture points in the specialty of reproductive medicine. I use research-driven protocols coupled with individualized point prescriptions when devising a TEAS protocol. TEAS is a relatively inexpensive way to continue acupuncture treatment at home and improve your fertility!

To get started, simply schedule a new patient fertility appointment with me today!

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