While COVID-19 rages out of control in the United States, and Western health experts struggle...

We live in an interconnected world. Different cultures mix daily around the globe as we...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

FREE INFERTILITY TREATMENT MONDAY NOVEMBER 2nd! Since the publication of the first research trials demonstrating...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

Susan came to me like most of my patients: 1. She saw my website 2....

I’m sorry to say it, guys, but its true: you are part of the fertility...

The following is an excerpt from the “Challenges to Pregnancy Chapter” in my book, Your...

Your Questions Answered! Expert in holistic medicine, Dr. Maureen Rozenn, has been treating thyroid issues,...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

Since graduating from Five Branches University over 10 years ago, Dr. Rozenn has taught in...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

March 1 2009, Five Branches University held its first graduation ceremony conferring the degree Doctor...

a view of a mountain range from an airplane

I am excited to announce that next weekend, 2/21-2/22, I will be teaching Masters students...

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Thermography Screening Next Week!

June is WORLD Infertility Awareness Month


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“Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Healing.”