Western Medical Mysteries/Complex Conditions


If you have been suffering with a complex condition, take a chance on treatment with Dr. Rozenn. You will be glad you did.

Story Behind

Dr. Rozenn has been asked to help with numerous conditions that defy traditional Western medical treatment. She LOVES helping people who can not gain ground from Allopathic (traditional Western) medicine. This is where her love of getting to the root of disorders marries her passion for precise treatment.

person massaging the back of a woman

Dedication to Complex Cases

Dr.Rozenn has collected many stories and has been given several emails, pictures and mementos from her patients whose medical picture was complex and not well understood by any practitioner they sought treatment from. This is why she relishes the opportunity to work with people who do not have a definitive diagnosis or Allopathic treatment has not yielded results.
woman in white dress shirt

Patient Success Stories

From Vision Loss to Freedom

A few years ago a patient came to her with blurry vision. He was told that the vein behind his eye was blocked by inflammation and that he would need steroid injections in his eye for the rest of his life in order to keep his vision. This was unacceptable both to her and her patient! After seeing Dr. Rozenn, he has had two injections (they were supposed to be monthly) over the last 5 years. He has not had an injection in 4 years. Now his optometrist is a patient of hers.

Restoring Energy and Hope

Another patient presented with enormous fatigue. She could not get off the couch for months. She could not work, her life stopped. With a history of viral infections, she and every other healthcare provider she had seen thought the root of the fatigue was viral. Dr. Rozen upon her first examination suspected that this patient actually had fatty liver. Her liver disorder was the source of her fatigue. Dr. Rozenn suggested she request a liver ultrasound from her primary care physician her patient had fatty liver, and she did. With her support, after the months, Dr. Rozenn’s patient resumed normal life activities. Now she is looking to conceive.

Overcoming IVF Challenges and Welcoming Healthy Babies

When people want to be parents and IVF can not help them, it is easy for despair to set in. Just this year, two of her patients aged 42 and 45 gave birth to healthy babies. Both of them came to see her for the first time in the midst of a failed IVF cycle. While devastated, both of them stayed the course, taking herbal formulas, and coming in for regular acupuncture treatments. Both of them fell pregnant within 6 months of their first visit.

Patient Success Stories

persons eye in close up photography

From Vision Loss to Freedom

A few years ago a patient came to her with blurry vision. He was told that the vein behind his eye was blocked by inflammation and that he would need steroid injections in his eye for the rest of his life in order to keep his vision. This was unacceptable both to her and her patient! After seeing Dr. Rozenn, he has had two injections (they were supposed to be monthly) over the last 5 years. He has not had an injection in 4 years. Now his optometrist is a patient of hers.

Restoring Energy and Hope

Another patient presented with enormous fatigue. She could not get off the couch for months. She could not work, her life stopped. With a history of viral infections, she and every other healthcare provider she had seen thought the root of the fatigue was viral. Dr. Rozen upon her first examination suspected that this patient actually had fatty liver. Her liver disorder was the source of her fatigue. Dr. Rozenn suggested she request a liver ultrasound from her primary care physician her patient had fatty liver, and she did. With her support, after the months, Dr. Rozenn’s patient resumed normal life activities. Now she is looking to conceive.

woman holding black ceramic mug

Client’s Words About Us

See all our testimonials here

“Dr. Rozenn helped me regrow my hair! I visited several NDs and a dermatologist looking for help to reverse the progressive thinning of my hair. No one could tell me what was going on. No one took the time to fully understand my case. After 4 years of slowly watching my hair fall out, I was deeply saddened and felt like I'd lost a part of myself. I decided to try acupuncture and found Dr. Rozenn last year. Since starting in August 2016 I have almost fully regrown my hair! I started to notice a change within two weeks, but at this point my hair is nearly back to normal. I am so grateful for her care. My life has completely changed for the better.”

Cassie W. | Portland

“Last November I had to go off of work on disability after being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… following my 5th case of mono (Ebstein Barr Virus). On my 3rd appointment she was able to tell me that she believed my main issue was an inflamed liver that wasn't functioning well. The doctors later confirmed that I had a fatty liver about 2 months later! In mid-May I was able to return to work full time…Dr. Rozenn truly took me from a no-win situation and gave me my life back. Whatever issue you may have, even if it doesn't seem like a traditional acupuncture "issue", if you want to try an alternative approach, I highly recommend Dr. Rozenn.”

Katie E. | Santa Cruz

“Before seeing Maureen I was a complete wreck. I had so many health issues including liver disease….I left feeling there was help and hope for me. That was over a year ago and Maureen's diverse skills continue to benefit my health. My liver function is optimal. My depression and anxiety are tremendously improved. In fact, my improvement has been so great that my husband recently began seeing her for treatments too. I am grateful to have Maureen and her wonderful staff in my life.”

Pam C. | Santa Cruz

“Dr. Rozenn has been a life saver, since Stanford did not know what to do with me anymore. I was desperately seeking help and found her. After stomach surgery and recovery, my gut slowed down significantly causing more complications. Her treatment and Chinese herbal remedies, not only helped me significantly, but I could live a normal life again and manage my care better. I cannot thank her enough.”

Darlene S. | Santa Cruz